Cleaning is not always a chore

How to care for your Pet Hugger

Some hints and tips on keeping your Pet Hugger in tip-top condition

  • Pets Shed Hair. Some more than others, but all pets shed! Before thinking about giving the Pet Hugger a wash you should try and remove as much hair from the bed as possible. A vacuum cleaner can help with this, or a pet brush, or even just rubber gloves.
  • Consider Spot-Cleaning. If your Pet Hugger is looking a bit grubby in a couple of places (maybe there was an accident, maybe someone ate some food in bed) then the quickest and easiest way is just to spot-wash the bed with some warm soapy water and a cloth. 
  • Consider Hand-Washing. Even though the Pet Hugger can be machine-washed, the nature of machine washing means it will take longer to dry out and more effort is needed to get the bed back into shape after it has been through a spin cycle!
  • Keep A Look Out for Holes. Lots of pets like to chew. Even though we've found the combination of fleece and microfibre to be less attractive to chewers it is not unheard of for a pet to snip a hole in their favourite bed. If you find a hole it should be stitched shut before you even think of putting the bed in a washing machine! Trust us, you don't want to see what happens when microfibre stuffing is allowed to move freely inside a washing machine drum.
  • Can Be Machine Washed. The Pet Hugger can be machine-washed but for longevity we recommend a low-temperature and low-spin cycle. The fleece outer and microfibre stuffing will not be damaged by a machine wash, but the stuffing in particular will take longer to dry from being fully soaked in a machine. 

Make sure the bed is fully dry before returning to your pet